Posts tagged Mid-Life Crisis on Wheels
Embrace Your Full Throttle Creative Life
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What do you do when everything falls apart? That time in your life when you lose your career, your house, your sense of purpose and your self esteem?

If you’re Matt Buchman, you hop on a bicycle and head out on a round-the-world bicycle trip. And then, somewhere along the way, you get a book idea and you start to write and your first novel is born.

Matt joined me on Creativity Quest to talk about all of this - along with the creative openness that led him into writing a wide variety of genres, from Sci Fi to thriller to romantic suspense to straight up romance with a few other side trips along the way. You know that thing wise publishing people say about picking one genre and sticking with it? Matt is evidence that you can follow your creativity wherever it wants to go and be successful - he has 60 books in print and is a full time writer.

Also? Quilting. Who would have guessed, right? But it’s on the list of his creative outlets.

It’s taken Matt over twenty years to get to the place where he felt he could properly tell the story of that fateful bicycle adventure, but you can now pre-order Mid-Life Crisis on Wheels. Also watch for his thriller, Drone, coming soon.

Listen to the podcast below or at any of the following podcast outlets: